Republicans Plan to Kill Off the Muppets

Millions upon millions of Americans have grown to love PBS and the quality programming it produces.   In fact, they’ve not only grown to love PBS, they’ve literally grown up with it.  For many of us, our most cherished childhood memories and earliest learning experiences are replete with images of Big Bird, Bert and Ernie, Elmo, and the rest of the muppet crew.   

And now the House Republicans want to commit “muppicide.” They not only want to cut PBS funding, they want to eliminate it completely.

Federal funding for PBS is minimal, in the grand scheme of the overall budget (less than one ten thousandth of a percent).  And it’s by far one of the best bargains, given the phenomenal programming it helps spur, the quality journalism it enables, and the diverse audiences it reaches. 

And yet, in spite of these reasons (or perhaps because of them), PBS has long been on the GOP “villain” list.  And now that they’re in power in the House, they are trying to hold it hostage to an overall budget agreement.

Senator Jim DeMint (WingNut-SC) has not only spearheaded the funding elimination, he’s even derided the supporters of PBS as the “muppet lobby.”

It’s not surprising that the GOP would target PBS, given the “cult of stupidity” that party has become.  But it’s something we cannot stand for.   Could PBS survive the funding cuts?  Most likely, given that it does have other funding sources.  But it would almost certainly mean huge cutbacks, painful choices, and yet another blow to what little intelligent television remains.

Send a message today to Jim DeMint and the rest of the House leadership.  Tell them you support PBS, and stand with the “muppet lobby” he derides.  And tell them you’re not going to stand by idily and watch as they try to commit “muppicide.” 

 Take a Stand for the Muppets at

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