The Dissenting Democrat’s Wish List

Coincidentally, the Dissenting Democrat discovered the previously posted Platform of the new Progressive Party about the same time as we were asked, “So you tell us what you’re against but what are you for”. We have frequently stated quite clearly what we favor and so decided to post a short outline of our major positions at this time —

The Program of Dissenting Democrats 

1. Preserve Social Security as-is

 2. End the wars…now! And bring the troops home

 3. Cut the military budget … Really, really cut it

 4. Revoke NAFTA & repeal the Patriot Act

 5. Audit the Fed

 6. Close Gitmo & stop the torture

 7. Make the Banks “too-big-to-fail” smaller

 8. End corporate welfare as we know it

 9. Invest in American industry, infrastructure and  jobs

10. Prosecute Cheney & Bush for war crimes and high crimes against the American people

11. Tax the Rich

12. Provide comprehensive healthcare for all

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