Tag Archives: Confederacy

Confederate Memorial Day

April 26 is CONFEDERATE MEMORIAL DAY in a number of Southern States.

Is there any other country where a day is set aside by governmental entities to honor men who took up arms against that country? The Southern rebels were traitors, traitors who actively waged war against their country and its Constitution. A 150 years after the end of that uprising, that insurgency, it is possible to forget and forgive, but to honor men who dishonored themselves fighting to keep fellow men slaves?

It is no wonder that the very same States which chose to tear down the Stars and Stripes are the strongest supporters of the anti-American party that the Republicans have become. In the South it would be better to designate a RECONSTRUCTION MEMORIAL DAY to honor the efforts of loyal Southerners, white and black, who sought to restore freedom and suppress the insurgents.

Rick Perry for President of the Confederate States of America

The Governor of Texas, Rick Perry, is on the public record

— Holding that a State may lawfully secede from the Union;

— Proudly boasting that he as governor has authorized the killing of more convicts than any other governor;

— Describing Social Security as a fraudulent Ponzi scheme;

— Erroneously stating that Texas schools teach Creationism;

— Advocating that the Rich be taxed less while average middle-income Americans be taxed MORE (incredibly, Perry thinks that middle-Americans are paying too little in taxes);

— Accusing the world’s scientists as conspiring to pretend that Global Warming exists so as to gain research grants; and,

— That the citizens of the United States should have their right to vote for U.S. Senators taken away from then so as to allow the wiser minds in the various state legislatures to make those decisions for them.

We can fully expect this unreconstructed rebel to advocate the reintroduction of slavery, orphanages, debtors’ prisons, dueling for gentlemen, lynching, keeping women folk in the kitchen, burning witches, 16 hour work days, 6 1/2 day workweeks, flogging, drawing and quartering for homosexuals.

It was laughable when Texas would display its ignorance by electing such boobs, but it moves from farce to tragedy when the Confederate Party offers such persons for national office.