Tag Archives: Rick Perry

Rick Perry Makes Money the Old-Fashioned Way (He Steals It)

15 years ago when Republican Guber Rick Perry was a Democrat, he and his wife reported a total annual income of $ 45,000. After his first term as the Republican Agriculture Commissioner he cleared a MILLION and now after years of sweetheart deals between Perry and those he had rewarded with contracts and State favoritism, Perry is solidly situated in the MILLIONAIRE’s Club.

In the words of a early Politico, the Rickster “sees ‘is Ah-purr-toonities and tooks ’em”.

For full documentation of Rick Perry as a throwback to the days of Nucky Johnson (Boardwalk Empire) catch the Huff Post’s expose at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/09/30/rick-perry-insider-trading-land-deals_n_988207.html

The Muslim Candidate for President

The knee-jerk right-wing have readily tagged Barack Obama as the Islamist candidate. Yet the facts are quite to the contrary, unlike his predecessor who happily held hands and played kissy-face with Arab sheiks, Obama has not maintained any ties or relationships with mad mullahs.

Rick Perry on the other hand, if he were a NASCAR driver, would be wearing his Islamist-endorsements on his suit and roadster. Perry is a good buddy of Grover Norquist, the # 1 Islamist collaborator in the United States, with links to terrorists and fundraising for the Islamic Institute.

The Houston chapter of the Center for American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has praised Governor Perry for his ongoing activities to promote Islam in Texas schools even to the point of orchestrating the State’s adoption of a school curriculum on behalf of Islam. Robert Spencer, author of “Islam Unveiled”, “The Truth about Muhammed” and “Stealth Jihad”, has called the Islam-friendly curriculum funded by Texas taxpayers and foreign Muslims, “a whitewash”.

The United States is NOT at war with Islam but it is at war with Islamism, or the political corruption of Islam which seeks to impose its will on all States, east and west. If it were 1942 and a presidential candidate had a record of promoting German culture and understanding one may rightfully question that candidate’s judgment. Perry’s inclination to pray eastward has to give one pause.

Rick Perry — Conservative?

Now that the Pixie dust is wearing off, movement Conservatives are taking another look at the Texas favorite Son of God, Rick Perry.

Conservatives don’t like government debt. When Perry took over Texas as Governor, the State was in hock by about $ 13 BILLION. During his term none of this debt was reduced but rather was increased by $ 24 BILLION.

Conservatives hate taxes more than debt but Governor Perry raised taxes 6 times during his term thus far resulting in HIGHER taxes on smokes, fireworks and businesses.

Conservatives aren’t too keen on immigration but Perry is A-OK having required Texas Universities to provide illegals with in-state tuition plans, dissed the Arizona immigrant crackdown and earned a “D” from the anti-immigration lobby.

Perry aided and abetted the forcible dispossession of Texas property owners of some 80,000 acres to build his NAFTA Highway connecting Mexico to Canada.

Rick Perry went around the State Legislature and issued an executive order mandating the forced immunization of young girls, ages 11-12, to prevent HPV among sexually-active youngsters. This not only offended Conservatives who think that abstinence is the ONLY thing kids should contemplate but ticked off Christianist parents who were astonished that their Gov would think little Janie was doing it.

Rick Perry endorsed pro-choice, pro-gay, pro-gun control Rudy Giulani for President AGAINST fellow Texan George W Bush and Rudy IS … IS … A NEW YORKER!

And worst of all, Rick Perry WAS a Democrat, in fact he was an active booster of Al Gore for the Presidency as Texas campaign chair for Gore.

So, if Perry isn’t a Conservative, what is he? A politician.

Rick Perry Wants to Be National Executioner

Rick Perry, Texas favorite Son of God, who holds the national record for killing convicts among all States’ Governors recently said he doesn’t really care if any of the folks he legally murders is innocent. He’ll kill anyone he has a sliver of an excuse to do so.

Two cases before the Guber will test that commitment and especially Perry’s alleged commitment to life and Christianity. In the first case, an accused murderer claims innocence which since his trial was corroborated by the confession of another to the crime. So reason suggests when Prisoner X confesses in all probability Prisoner Y may well be not guilty. Will Perry kill an innocent man?

In another case, members of the Jury freely admitted they recommended the death penalty on the grounds that the defendant was Black. A white would have received a lesser sentence. Now the defense is asking clemency. Will Perry join the Jury in an willingness to kill for racial purposes?

Keep an eye on the former Cheerleader from Texas A&M. Is he who we want as executioner-in-chief?

Rick Perry: “I’m No $ 20 Ho, I’m a $ 200 Call Girl”

Michelle Bachmann suggests that a pharmaceutical company influenced Rick Perry’s decision by offering a campaign contribution. Perry’s response was that insulted him because the contribution was only $ 5000 and he couldn’t be bought for so little. So how much do you cost, Gov?

Rick Perry Lies

God’s Annointed, the Uber Guber of the Lone Star Republic is a barefaced, baldassed LIAR.

Yes, he’s a politician so perhaps calling him a liar is redundant but Perry’s UnTruthiness is of Texas-size proportions. They are veritable Perryvarications (prevarication, get it?).

He said he made Texas a jobs machine. BUZZ. The fact is Texas is number 26 in the creation of new jobs.

He said he did it the private business way. BUZZ. The fact is that most of the jobs created in Texas were created with Obama stimulus dollars.

Almost all of the new jobs are minimum wage, no benefit jobs, many of which are temporary. Many of which pay so little that workers will pay no taxes and may still qualify for food stamps.

This Texas rugged cowboy, who served as a Cheerleader in college, who contends that we should dismantle the Guv’mint and live by our own wits, has been collecting government checks for over 27 years as a career government-paycheck collector: state representative, state agriculture commissioner, lieutenant governor and governor. Now he wants a federal paycheck as well. He is receiving a comprehensive family healthcare plan paid for by taxpayers and has already vested a state government pension for life.

He’s one cool dude, he’s HIP, as in hypocrite.

SOURCE: Jim Hightower at http://www.commondreams.org/view/2011/09/07-2

Rick Perry for President of the Confederate States of America

The Governor of Texas, Rick Perry, is on the public record

— Holding that a State may lawfully secede from the Union;

— Proudly boasting that he as governor has authorized the killing of more convicts than any other governor;

— Describing Social Security as a fraudulent Ponzi scheme;

— Erroneously stating that Texas schools teach Creationism;

— Advocating that the Rich be taxed less while average middle-income Americans be taxed MORE (incredibly, Perry thinks that middle-Americans are paying too little in taxes);

— Accusing the world’s scientists as conspiring to pretend that Global Warming exists so as to gain research grants; and,

— That the citizens of the United States should have their right to vote for U.S. Senators taken away from then so as to allow the wiser minds in the various state legislatures to make those decisions for them.

We can fully expect this unreconstructed rebel to advocate the reintroduction of slavery, orphanages, debtors’ prisons, dueling for gentlemen, lynching, keeping women folk in the kitchen, burning witches, 16 hour work days, 6 1/2 day workweeks, flogging, drawing and quartering for homosexuals.

It was laughable when Texas would display its ignorance by electing such boobs, but it moves from farce to tragedy when the Confederate Party offers such persons for national office.

Texas Suffers for the Sins of Governor Perry

Texas is burning.

Thus far an area the size of the island of Puerto Rico in Texas has already burned and the State is still on fire.

Due to the climatic factors, in which the Tex Guber does not believe, the fires of our era are of the megafire class. More land has been scorched and property destroyed than at anytime in our history. The fires have been so severe as to burn the soil to the extent that many acres will not regerminate for decades.

Whenever such a disaster occurs in a “blue state”, the Tea’sers and their Christianist allies will proclaim that it is God’s will in punishment of feminists, gays or liberals. Now that Hell’s sister state is aflame perhaps we should understand it as God’s judgment on its blaspheming, —mongering, vain, idol-worshipping, sinning Governor, Rick Perry.

Rick Perry, a $ 20 Hooker, with a $ 200 Price Tag

Rick Perry has said that if elected President, he will do to America what he did to Texas. He calls it passion, but it is more like a rape than love-making.

Texas may not be Hell but you can see it from there.

The Nation’s editor, Katrina van den Heuvel has an article in the current edition discussing what it means for a State for its chief executive to be a-whorin’ for every dollar he can collect. A man who gives real meaning to the Texas phrase, all hat and no cattle, in this case, all Ho’ and no heart of gold.

Check out her article, “Governor for Sale”, in the August 23 issue, which may also be read online in the Washington Post at http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/governor-for-sale/2011/08/23/gIQAGC3vYJ_story.html

Media Blackout: Rick Perry’s Links with Islamists

The following excerpts are taken from Robert Spencer’s Jihad Watch:

Why shouldn’t Rick Perry’s Islamic ties be vetted?

The rush to anoint him our next President is overlooking a great deal.

Imagine a candidate for President of the United States who says all the right things: he will cut taxes, he will roll back the disastrous and defeatist policies of his despised and discredited predecessor, he will restore America’s pride and renew America’s hope.

This candidate is handsome, telegenic, articulate, and apparently unafraid to joust verbally with his failed predecessor, as well as with an adversarial press.

Imagine also that this candidate had raised funds for and had a longtime association with a power player in party politics, a man who was owed favors by virtually everyone who had ever won an election for his party, but a man with ties to some extremely shady characters – say, for example, that this power broker had received, for an organization of his founding, a loan of $10,000 and a gift of another $10,000 from a man who was now in prison for raising money for a terrorist murder plot.

Imagine further that the candidate had partnered in educational initiatives with a billionaire who owned, among many other things, to be sure, a bank that had been accused – and never cleared — of funding a terrorist group, and of complicity in the murder of an American reporter. That billionaire also owned a development organization that bore his name, and that partnered in various initiatives with the government of a country listed by the State Department as a state sponsor of terrorism, and that was now essentially at war with its own citizens.

Do you think that such a candidate would be questioned about these associations, and that he would deserve the questioning, and would be expected to produce honest, full, and serious answers to concerns about whether he was turning a blind eye or would, as president, turn a blind eye to certain kinds of activity that aided and abetted terrorism?

There is such a candidate: his name is Rick Perry. He has occasioned tremendous excitement among Republicans and conservatives, to the extent that those who dare to ask legitimate questions about his associations and beliefs are being attacked and vilified by people who are ostensibly on their own side. I already know of friendships being broken over this candidacy.

* * * * *
[Known Islamist collaborator Grover Norquist is one of Rick Perry’s close buddies]

As David Horowitz pointed out several years ago, Norquist has worked with “prominent Islamic radicals who have ties to the Saudis and to Libya and to Palestine Islamic Jihad, and who are now under indictment by U.S. authorities.” Among them was Abdurahman Alamoudi, who was once the most prominent and powerful “moderate Muslim” in Washington, and is now in prison for helping to finance an al-Qaeda plot to assassinate the Saudi king, whom jihadis consider to be inexcusably lax in his Islamic observance (primarily in allowing infidel American troops onto the sacred soil of Saudi Arabia during the first Gulf War). Alamoudi gave Norquist’s Islamic Institute, a gambit to try to garner Muslim votes for the Republican party, a $10,000 loan and a $10,000 gift.

Norquist is unrepentant; he continues to partner with Islamic supremacists. Is this the sort of man our next president should be associating with? Does Perry really need Norquist to carry over his tax-cutting message? Does he know about Norquist’s unsavory ties? Does he care? Do Republican candidates need Norquist so much that they have to put up with his taint?

[Oily Texas elite are known to have a proclivity for kissy-face with oily Sheikhs, is Rick Perry one of them?]

See, the complete article at Jihad Watch http://www.jihadwatch.org/2011/08/why-shouldnt-rick-perrys-islamic-ties-be-vetted.html