Tag Archives: Grover Norquist

Grover Norquist, “Boss” of Tennessee

Volkswagen decided to build a factory in Tennessee to manufacture VWs for the American market. This is what the United States has always said foreign companies should do when they serve an American market.

The workers at the plant have asked for an election to determine as to whether the United Auto Workers union would represent them. The VW company, used to heavily unionized factories in Germany, have no problem with that and even invited the UAW in to make a presentation to the workers.

This should be a matter for the Company and its employees. But guess who has a problem with it? Someone who does not work there, someone who does not live there and someone who does not own VW stock. GROVER NORQUIST, sitting in his Washington office, has a problem with it. Grover is the hobgoblin who controls the Republican Party and orders its Congress-critters about.  Podunk may elect a Representative but Grover tells him how to vote.

Grover sent the word out to his minions in Tennessee that Unions are not to be allowed at the VW plant. The minions in the Tennessee Legislature got busy and passed State laws which would deny any State benefit, tax credit, deduction or aid previously promised to get the Company to relocate to Tennessee if and when a Union is selected. Grover’s Tennessee minions would prefer to shut down the factory and dispense with several thousand jobs than allow a Union to be duly elected by the workers.

The concept of “Class War” is not a simple bugaboo to frighten the gullible. It is going on, it is being fought and it is being won by the One Percent BECAUSE they know they are fighting it. They will buy elections, they will buy politicians, they will buy courts and they will buy propaganda to persuade us that they are not at war against us. They don’t fight fair and they will win unless we begin to fight back.

Who Funds Grover Norquist?

GROVER NORQUIST, the don of the Republican Mafia, was a trust fund baby who has “worked” in the ideological Conservative Movement his entire life. He got his start in the same street gang as little Karl Rove and bagman extraordinaire Jack Abramoff. Now 218 Republican members of the House and 39 Senators genuflect to kiss his hem.

But who makes him possible? Who is the Boss’s Boss?

The following excerpt from THE NATION gives us an idea —


“The disclosures show that only two billionaire-backed groups have provided over 66 percent of Norquist’s funding:

The Center to Protect Patients Rights donated $4,189,000 to Americans for Tax Reform in 2010, 34 percent of the group’s budget that year.

Crossroads GPS donated $4,000,000 to Americans for Tax Reform in 2010, 32.46 percent of the group’s budget that year.

The Center to Protect Patients Rights is used by the billionaire clique led by the Koch brothers to distribute grants to allied groups. In 2010, wealthy moguls like Steve Bechtel of Bechtel Corporation and Steve Schwarzman of the Blackstone Group met to help lend money to these types of efforts.

Crossroads GPS is the undisclosed group run by Karl Rove. The only known donors are like Paul Singer, the “vulture” hedge fund king who benefits enormously from tax strategies like the carried interest loophole. Norquist’s pledge largely benefits billionaires like Singer and Schwarzman, who pay almost nothing in payroll taxes and likely pay a lower rate than their secretaries.”

For the complete article, see Lee Fang’s article from the lastest issue online at



Romney/Ryan’s Boss Says: “Cut Defense”

Maybe they will listen now; GROVER NORQUIST, one of the honchos of the REPUBLICAN PARTY, said that Romney-Ryan should cut the military budget


[An excerpt from FOREIGN POLICY’s “The Cable” August 14, 2012]

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, his would-be vice president Paul Ryan, and defense hawks in Congress are wrong that savings can’t be found in the U.S. defense budget, according to Grover Norquist, the influential president of Americans for Tax Reform, who said that he will fight using any new revenues to keep military spending high.

“We can afford to have an adequate national defense which keeps us free and safe and keeps everybody afraid to throw a punch at us, as long as we don’t make some of the decisions that previous administrations have, which is to over extend ourselves overseas and think we can run foreign governments,” Norquist said Monday at an event at the Center for the National Interest, formerly the Nixon Center.

But Ryan’s views are at odds with those of Norquist and other budget hawks, who argue that defense budgets can be trimmed. Ryan’s budget plan provides for increasing military spending and doesn’t suggest any tradeoff or specific defense reforms.

“Other people need to lead the argument on how can conservatives lead a fight to have a serious national defense without wasting money,” Norquist said. “I wouldn’t ask Ryan to be the reformer of the defense establishment.”

Avoiding $54 billion of arbitrary defense cuts next year as a result of the Budget Control Act of 2011, in what’s known as “sequestration,” has been a focus of Romney’s campaign and one of his main points of contrast with President Obama. Romney’s views align him with defense hawks who are leading that effort on the Hill, such as House Armed Services Committee Chairman Buck McKeon (R-CA) and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), who support closing tax loopholes and deductions to avoid sequestration.

“You will get serious conversation from the advocates of Pentagon spending when they understand ‘here’s the dollar amount, now make decisions,” Norquist said. “They want to argue you have to raise taxes — you can’t solve the problem.”

Norquist vowed to fight any effort to use the money saved by tax reform to pay for military spending or to avoid the sequester.


Grover Norquist is like the Classroom Monitor appointed by the Teacher when she leaves the room for a Coffee Break. In this case, the Koch Brothers have deputized Grover to keep an eye on the boys

Grover Norquist: The Capofamiglia of the Republican Cosca*

Recently, 200+ millionaires organized into “Patriotic Millionaires for
Fiscal Strength” in order to lobby Congress to urge them to tax millionaires.
They decided that they should meet with Congress’s Boss, Grover Norquist.
Grover Norquist is the rightwing Lex Luthor who Republican Congress-critters

Befuddled with Norquist’s obstinence, a number of the fair tax advocates
stated that it appears that Norquist’s model government would be Somalia.
No central government, everyone armed and NO TAXES!!!

Most people, even political junkies, don’t know the power that this man
holds. He is not a simple political hack. He is the Shah-in-Shah, the Grand
Caliph, the Tsar of Tsars and King of Kings to whom all Republicans

This short doc from the Senate Dems gives a brief orientation to the Grover.


* “Capofamiglia” is the Boss of the Cosa Nostra or Mafia
“Cosca” means Clan

And no disrespect is intended to the Mafia for comparing the Republicans to
their organization. It’s nothing personal, only business

Debt, Tea, Islam & Thee

The showdown at the O.K. Corral bears some resemblance to what is going on between the Cons in the Republican congressional caucus and the reigning Obamacrats in debt negotiations. One wonders who is calling the shots? Obama represents what Wall Street tells him to do and that is to make any and every compromise necessary to keep the interest on the bonds flowing. The President will cut Social Security, kill Medicare and close down every Democratic program since 1896 to make a deal. But who runs the Republicans?

Some are saying it’s Eric Cantor, House majority leader, whose hand appears to be well up Speaker Boner’s rear side guiding what is said and done. This makes some sense in that the strategy appears very consistent with Cantor’s recorded graduation message found in his high school yearbook: “I want what I want when I want it”.

But I think there are invisible hands to be found at the base of both the Boner and the Cantor, one Grover Norquist, mentor to Karl Rove and President of a little outfit called Americans for Tax Reform. Norquist’s philosophy is noted in his notorious quip that he wants to shrink the government down so that it would fit in a bathtub and there be drowned. If Norquist would have uttered such an obscenity when the greatest generation was fighting the Fascists, or even when the doughboys were over there fighting the Kaiser, it would have earned him a jail cell for treason. Today it wins him first place in the Cons’ brain trust.

Who is this Grover? Remarkably, he is a rabid devotee of Josef Stalin, and this is not literary license, he really, really is a fan of the Communist iron man. He keeps a photo of Stalin in his office, reads Stalin’s (and Lenin’s) writings and once advised his fellow Republicans during the election of 2000 with a quote from Uncle Joe: “It doesn’t matter who votes, it matters who counts the votes” (and we know what that led to).

Interestingly enough, Norquist’s adoration of America’s enemies isn’t limited to Communism, Norquist set up the Islamic Institute to encourage Muslim involvement, as Muslims, in American politics and government. He did this at the height of the Bush war on terror, using funds from Islamists indicted by the U.S. Government.

Although most of the claptrap about the menace of Islamic Sharia law lacks any substance, there is one related area that promises the prospect of change to  accomodate Islamism and that is what is called sharia-compliant banking law. Sharia law requires an alteration to lending and credit practices consistent with Muhammed’s teaching. Grover Norquist is the nation’s leading lobbyist seeking to change American law so that it is Islam-friendly.

This Islam-friendly Stalinist is the grey eminence behind the Tea-baggers and their puppets within the debt debate. It’s a strange, strange world we live in, Master Jack.

Grover Norquist Leads American Taliban

We have alluded to Grover Norquist being Lucifer to Karl Rove’s Wormwood. “Wormwood” is a demon in training and as such is a character in C. S. Lewis’ The Screwtape Letters.

Most know about Karl Rove’s cabals and crimes which were enhanced by being George W Bush’s brain. Fewer know that Norquist is Rove’s brain.

Grover Norquist runs a small front called Americans for Tax Reform which hosts the Wednesday Group meetings for all of the agencies and instrumentalities of the vast rightwing conspiracy. Marching orders are dispensed from these weekly sessions and talking points are assigned to whichever shil is to be prepped for media display that week. As you’ve likely noted the Righties can be caught mouthing the very same words and phrases in broadcast after broadcast as if they were clones sharing a single brain.

But most insidious is the fact that Grover Norquist is the Mad Mullah of the Muslim political interests  in the United States. No hyperbole, he’s the Ayatollah of the Islamic Institute working hand in glove with those seeking to absorb America into a worldwide Caliphate. The Institute provides Muslim would-be leaders tips on how to infiltrate the American political system. He also provides cover for shady Middle Eastern types who would like to get a photo op with Repub big wigs.

A conduit for Muslim money, Norquist is even better connected to the Saudi networks for buying influence than George W Bush, who spent his free time sucking face with the Saudi King (again, not hyperbole, ‘W’ did the kissy-face with the King prior to their hand-in-hand promenade, check out the You Tube evidence).

Many of the K-Street wheeler-dealers serve as contract agents for foreign governments who seek our overthrow, so many in fact that they constitute a veritable Fifth Column. Grover’s just one of the most active who have sold out to the Islamists.

It makes one wonder that the concerted efforts of the congressional Repub caucuses intent on destroying the foundations and infrastructure of America may be motivated not by ignorance and ineptness but by a well-paid conspiracy of Islamic imperialists. It would explain a lot of the similarities: who would subject women to men, who hates gays, who would enshrine their scriptures into law, who would punish crime with intense cruelty, who demands that the little people obey their designated betters, who are the hypocrites? One could say the Taliban of Afghans and Pakistanis OR could say the Taliban of Republicans and Tea Baggers, telepreachers, and Con shils.

If so, Haj Norquist, their leader can be found conducting the Wednesday Group but is available almost any other day, except his holy day, Friday.

Spading & Neutering the Democrats

Grover Norquist, the Lucifer to Karl Rove’s Wormwood, has been providing the philosophical foundation for the current Republican Party. He, taking his lessons from Joe Stalin (a portrait of whom is kept in his office), has advocated making “compromise” something Democrats are supposed to do while egging Republicans on to unconditional warfare.

He has said, “[that Democrats] will only become acceptable once they are comfortable in their minority status. Any farmer will tell you that certain animals run around and are unpleasant, but when they’ve been fixed, then they are happy and sedate”. Interestingly, Stalin pursued a similar policy in the dominated states of eastern Europe while the Communists ran the Government, minor, compliant parties were allowed token seats in Parliament provided they were appropriated de-sexed.

The shrewish, or is that an Adam’s apple, Ann Coulter continues to shriek at Democrats to “man up” with cause, the Republicans and their politically-eunuch servant in the White House requires Democrats to check their equipment at the door.

We do have a happy and sedate President, and increasingly the anger once expressed by Congressional Democrats is being dissipated into simple whininess, a symptom of Low-T.

Another quote from Master Grover gives one insight into Congressional Republicans’ table manners, “Bipartisan­­ship is another name for date rape”. It doesn’t take intensive news-reading to recognize which party is on which side of that transaction.

It is all too obvious what will be hatched against any Democrat who can demonstrate a willingness and ability to go against Republican branding. It is telling that the PR’ish word for framing a debate is “branding” while out west what cattle ranchers do to castrated male cattle is brand them. Steers, like castrated Democrats, are easy to herd.

Norquist rules the Beltway but his influence is being spread to State Capitals as well. Grover says, “We are trying to change the tones in the state capitals and turn them toward bitter nastiness and partisansh­­ip”. This answers the question as to what has happened to State politics in the last 12 months. Wisconsin, Arizona, Indiana and Michigan have been Groverized.

For progressives, radicals and those Liberals still able to rise to the occasion, this is what the enemy is like. Politics is not a Tea Party and the tea-baggers are ready and willing to get rough to get their way. Clausewitz wrote that war was politics by other means, and the reverse is true politics IS war. Get used to it or get off the battlefield. We can afford to have aggressive atheists in the foxholes but we can’t afford to have passive compromised Democrats.